
I intend to use this blog in a variety of ways. Some posts will deal with my field of expertise - Software Engineering. Some posts may deal with a hobby of mine. Some may deal with questions and thoughts I have.


To keep things organized, all articles will have keywords associated with them. They are clearly visible in the article itself and searchable, although not explicitly. The blog uses Antora ( to generate the pages, and the Antora Lunr extension ( for site search. A corresponding Issue ( has been closed, but since then, no new release has been produced. So…​ it will come some time in the future 🙂.


Whenever applicable and feasible, I will include references. I will provide online links in the following format: the relevant part of the reference will be linked to the online source, and the domain will be listed in the display text in monospace font. For example, this ( is a link to Google’s home page. If a link does not have a domain after it, it is an internal link, i.e. it stays on this site (

I will strive to not delete essential parts of text. Instead, if I change my mind on something, or if new information arises, I will strike-through line-through the relevant part. This way, my original text will still be visible. Furthermore, the page is backed by a public github repository (, thus the history is always accessible. This does not hold true for minor errors, like typos and alike. Those kind of changes will not be highlighted by line-through text (after all, I am known for typos and grammatical nonsense, and I would like to keep the blog readable 😆).

Furthermore, all articles will have a creation date and, if edited, a last modified date. I will not amend old post when new technological advancements render the statements wrong. If the topic is still interesting to me, I may write a new article, highlighting the differences (and most likely liking to the old one(s)).

I will try to do my due diligence. But please keep in mind that this is, after all, a private blog. It should be regarded as such. Whenever code projects are involved, I will post a link to the relevant code.

Errors, Typos and the like

We are all humans, we all make mistakes. Sometimes smaller, sometimes larger. I am open to feedback. You are welcome to open an issue in the repository to point out something.


I do not want to get credit for things/ideas that are not mine. As such, I will always attribute content the original author(s). Likewise, the written content of this blog is copyrighted under CC BY-SA 2.0 ( You are welcome to share, remix, extend, juxtapose, criticise. The only thing I would ask of you is to attribute 😉.


This is my private blog. Opinions I express here are my own, and my own only. They do not reflect the opinion of my employer, friends family, …​
