Date Changes


  • Fixed link of git clone url

  • changed git clone url to HTTPS protocol

  • Fixed typos

  • Added Docker’s buildx as prerequisite


  • Prefixed all images from dockerhub with


  • Fixed some formatting

  • Replace all [source, docker] with [source, dockerfile]


Now that we have explored the concept of containers and seen how to create containers through containerfiles, it is time to understand how we can run containers.


If you want to follow along, you need a means to build container images from containerfiles as well as run containers. I recommend to either use Docker ( or Podman ( If you are using docker, you also need to install buildx (

The setup

For this article, we are going to use the code in this repository:

Listing 1. Checkout the demo code
git clone
cd article-2023-03-29-run-containers

We start by taking a look at the containerfile:

Listing 2. The containerfile
  org.opencontainers.image.authors="Marco Bungart <>" \
  org.opencontainers.image.licenses=Apache-2.0 \
  purpose="Learning containers"

RUN useradd \
  --uid 1000 \
  --home-dir /app \
  --create-home \
  --shell /bin/bash \
USER 1000
RUN mkdir outdir (1)
  --chown=1000:1000 \
  --chmod=700 \ .
ENTRYPOINT [ "./" ] (2)

We recognize a lot of element from the article Containers 101: Containerfiles 🗒. The notable differences are:

1 We create a new directory outdir within the current WORKDIR /app.
2 We call the script directly instead of executing it through /bin/bash -c …​.. We will discuss why later in this article.

To understand what a container started from an image created by this containerfile will do, we need to take a look at the entrypoint

Listing 3. The file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

function get_input() {
  local input
  if [[ -f input.txt ]]
    input=$(cat input.txt)
  echo "${input}"

get_input "${1}" | tee outdir/output.txt (1)
chmod 777 outdir/output.txt (2)
1 From man tee: "tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files "
2 give all users all permissions on this file

The function get_input():

  • returns the input of file `input.txt if it exists, otherwise

  • returns the 1st argument, if it exists, otherwise

  • returns the string "default".

The script calls function get_input with the first command line argument and prints its content to stdout and the file outdir/output.txt. It also gives full permission to all users to file outdir/output.txt

Curiously, there is no file input.txt, and there is no command line argument passed to We will see how we can use both later. For now, we build the image:

  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker build -f Containerfile -t run-containers .
podman build -f Containerfile -t run-containers .

The code repository we cloned includes scripts to build and run the container. We can find them in scripts/[docker|podman]. The scripts are meant to be executed from the directory they are located, thus we should cd …​ into the corresponding directory before executing them. Both subdirectories for docker and podman contain the same (in name) scripts. Besides the tabs for docker and podman, we also see a tab for script, where we can find the name of the script to execute, if we want to run the scripts instead.

Run ▶️ the first container

Next up, we want to run a container from the image we just created:

  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker run run-containers
podman run run-containers

This produces the following output:

Listing 4. Output
$ ./

Okay, this was pretty much what we expected: we got the output default. So what about the container itself? What is it doing? We can list all containers running with:

  • docker

  • podman

docker ps
podman ps

which will show

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE       COMMAND     CREATED     STATUS      PORTS       NAMES

That is curious. There are no containers running. What happened with the container we just started? Well you see, the entrypoint process we defined (the terminated. When the entrypoint process of a container terminates, the container itself will also terminate. And the exit status of the container is the exit status of the entrypoint process. We can see this by running

  • docker

  • podman

docker ps -a # "-a" is the short form for "--all"
podman ps -a # "-a" is the short form for "--all"

This will show us the following output:

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    COMMAND     CREATED        STATUS                    PORTS                   NAMES
35ec7a3b8cef  localhost/run-containers:latest                      7 minutes ago  Exited (0) 7 minutes ago                          elegant_franklin

We see that the container terminated (indicated by the STATUS Exited(0)). We also see that the container has a name (in the example: elegant_franklin). We never assigned an explicit name to the container, so the container engine gave it a random name. If we want to, we can assign an explicit name to a container when starting it by adding the [docker|podman] …​ --name my-awesome-container …​ parameter at startup. Notice however, that container names have to be unique.

Stop it, it is already dead 💀! Or is it?

It might seem at first that having a list off all containers, running or not, might be handy, especially for debugging. But the more we work with containers, the more containers we will start. This list can get long fast. This begs the question: why does the container engine keep this list? The answer is that our container is "only" stopped. We could start it again if we wanted to:

  • docker

  • podman

docker start <container-id> # to start it by its id
docker start <container-name> # to start it by its name
podman start <container-id> # to start it by its id
podman start <container-name> # to start it by its name
If we start the container by id, we do not need to provide the full id. It is sufficient to provide a prefix of the id that uniquely identify the container. I found that three to four characters are usually sufficient. So to start the container above, we could write podman start 35e.

Another curiosity: when we start the container through one of the commands, we see something similar to this

$ podman start 35e

That is curious. We get back what we provided as input to the start subcommand, and nothing else. Previously, we saw that the container echoed default. Why didn’t it do so now? Maybe something went wrong. Let us check the state of the container through [docker|podman] ps -a:

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS       NAMES
35ec7a3b8cef  localhost/run-containers:latest              30 minutes ago  Exited (0) 1 second ago              elegant_franklin

No, the container terminated successfully - just as before. So why did we not see the output? When we start a previously stopped container, the container is started in detached mode by default. When we start a container through the run command (i.e. ), it is started in attached mode by default. We can force start ing a container in attached mode by running [docker|podman] start --attach …​. Likewise, we can force run ning a container in detached mode by running [docker|podman] run --detach …​. Let us start our container in attached mode to see the effect:

$ podman start --attach 35e

That is what we expected! The output is back, and the container terminated.

Don’t become to attached

The whole concept of attached and detached leads to another question: when a container is detached, how can we see, for example, its logs? To understand this, we will shortly switch to another container image, one running indefinitely and produces some logs:

  • docker

  • podman

docker run \
  --detach \
  --entrypoint /bin/bash \  \
    '-c' \
    'while (true); do echo "$(date --iso-8601=seconds) I am running"; sleep 1; done'
podman run \
  --detach \
  --entrypoint /bin/bash \  \
    '-c' \
    'while (true); do echo "$(date --iso-8601=seconds) I am running"; sleep 1; done'

This container will run in an endless loop, producing a log every second. When we start the container, we see

$ podman run \
  --detach \
  --entrypoint /bin/bash \  \
    '-c' \
    'while (true); do echo "$(date --iso-8601=seconds) I am running"; sleep 1; done'

The response is the container id. When we check the state of the container:

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS       NAMES
35ec7a3b8cef  localhost/run-containers:latest                        About an hour ago   Exited (0) 40 minutes ago              elegant_franklin
84f7113d3e42   -c while (true); ...  About a minute ago  Up About a minute                      gracious_dubinsky

We see that the container is running. But how can we see the logs? that is where the logs subcommand comes in:

  • docker

  • podman

docker logs <container-id>
docker logs <container-name>
podman logs <container-id>
podman logs <container-name>

Running this command, we get:

$ podman logs 84f
2023-03-28T21:40:02+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:40:03+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:40:04+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:40:18+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:40:19+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:40:20+00:00 I am running

Okay, we are getting somewhere. But what if we do not want so see all logs until now, but instead see the logs live as they arrive? For this, we can add run [docker|podman] logs …​ -f …​ (-f is short for --follow):

$ podman logs -f 84f
2023-03-28T21:41:20+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:21+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:22+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:23+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:24+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:25+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:26+00:00 I am running
2023-03-28T21:41:27+00:00 I am running

We see the logs as they arrive, the output stays attached. We can stop following by pressing Ctrl+C. By this, we can also infer that only the output got attached, not the input. We can see the output, but we cannot send input commands. How can we stop this container now? Analogous to the start subcommand, there is a stop subcommand, working analogously:

$ podman stop 84f
WARN[0010] StopSignal SIGTERM failed to stop container gracious_dubinsky in 10 seconds, resorting to SIGKILL

That took some time. And we even see why: our program (i.e. the simple bash script) was not designed to handle SIGTERM signals, and the container engine decided after a timeout (in this case: 10 seconds) to terminate the container through a SIGKILL signal. If we do not want to wait for the timeout, we can use the kill- instead of the stop-subcommand.

If you want to learn more about termination signals, I recommend reading the corresponding manual.

Keep it clean 🧹

We have already discussed that containers can be stopped. We have also seen that they stopped containers can still be seen through [docker|podman] ps -a and restarted. When we are done with a container and do not need it any longer, we should remove it for good. For this. we can use the rm (short for "remove") subcommand:

  • docker

  • podman

docker rm <container-id>
docker rm <container-name>
podman rm <container-id>
podman rm <container-name>

Let us see this in action:

$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS                        PORTS       NAMES
35ec7a3b8cef  localhost/run-containers:latest                        2 hours ago     Exited (0) About an hour ago              elegant_franklin
84f7113d3e42   -c while (true); ...  32 minutes ago  Exited (137) 12 minutes ago               gracious_dubinsky
$ podman rm 84f 35e
$ podman ps -a

We see another feature we have not yet seen about. Some subcommands accept multiple container ids or names. Those include

  • start

  • stop

  • kill, and

  • rm

Now that we have seen how we can manage containers by starting, stopping, restarting, and removing them, we will continue with our original container example, and see how we can pass data into containers, and get data out of containers.

Getting Data into and out of the container ↔️

At the start of this article, we saw that there are some things that seem pointless. We observed the following:

  • the usage of a file input.txt, that is never present,

  • the usage of the first argument ${1} in, despite never passing along any arguments to this script, as well as

  • writing to a file output.txt in folder outdir.

We will now discuss how we can use this features.

Passing parameters to a container at startup

When we start a container, we can add parameters after the image name, for example

  • linux

  • podman

  • script

docker run --rm run-containers foo
podman run --rm run-containers foo
./ foo

Executing this command will result in

$ podman run --rm run-containers foo
$ podman run --rm run-containers foo bar
$ podman run --rm run-containers bar
$ podman run --rm run-containers "foo

We see that the text after the image name is passed along to the entrypoint process, as parameter. This is also the reason why we use


instead of

ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "./" ]

in the Containerfile. The latter would not work since the parameter is not properly propagated. But why does the run only print foo when we pass foo bar as parameters? The answer is simple: we only use the first parameter in, and the first parameter is foo. Passing some parameters as command line arguments is simple enough. But depending on the container we want to start, we might to pass in multiple complex configuration files to the container. For this we can use…​

Volume mounts 🐎

So let us say we want to pass a file to the container, and we do not want to or cannot provide the file when we build the container, i.e. we cannot use the COPY instruction in the containerfile. This is one use-case for volume mounts. Let us take a look how they work.

  • docker

  • podman

  • script

echo "lorem
dolor" > input.txt
docker run --rm --volume ./input.txt:/app/input.txt:ro run-containers
echo "lorem
dolor" > input.txt
podman run --rm --volume ./input.txt:/app/input.txt:ro run-containers

The first command creates a file input.txt with three lines The interesting part is the …​ --volume input.txt:/app.input.txt:ro …​. The command consists of three parts, separated by ::

  • The fist part specifies the location of the file to mount on the host ("our machine")

  • The second part specifies the destination in the container. The destination must be a (possibly absolute) file name. The prefix ./ is important when the file resides in the current directory, we will discuss why a bit later. The file does not need to exist; it will be created.

  • The third part is the access mode in which the file is mounted. This part is optional, and defaults to rw (read-write). We set it to ro (read-only) since we only want to read from the file, and not write to it.

Running the above command yields:

$ echo "lorem
dolor" > input.txt
podman run --rm --volume ./input.txt:/app/input.txt:ro run-containers

This is a nice way to get more complex configurations into a parameter.

As we already mentioned, we can use volumes in read-write mode, so the container is allowed to write to a file. What is more: we cannot only mount files, but complete directory. This is what we are going to do next:

  • docker

  • podman

  • script

[[ -d out ]] || mkdir out
docker run --rm --volume ./out:/app/outdir run-containers
[[ -d out ]] || mkdir out
podman run --rm --volume ./out:/app/outdir run-containers

When we run this command, we see no obvious difference to previous runs. The difference comes when we inspect the out-directory:

$ ls -lisa out
total 5
654281 0 drwxrwxrwx 1 marco  marco     0 Mär 28 21:28 .
671296 4 drwxrwxr-x 1 marco  marco  4096 Mär 29 17:33 ..
656938 1 -rwxrwxrwx 1 100999 100999   18 Mär 28 21:47 output.txt
$ cat out/output.txt

The behaviour is mostly as expected: the container mounted the out directory from the host to the /app/outdir directory in the container, hence the result was written to the out-directory on the host. But the owner seems strange. The file belongs some user with id 100999. In the container, we defined the user with id 1000. That is where user id substitution comes into play. In my local configuration, I configured podman so that for my local user, the user-id range starts at 100000. User-id in the container will thus be mapped on local id 100000, 100 on 100099 and, consequently 1000 to 100999. This is also the reason we added the final chmod …​ line in Otherwise, the file would have default permissions, and we would not be able to read the file.

We can add more than one volume to a container, for example we can add the input- and the output-volume to the container:

  • docker

  • podman

  • script

echo "lorem
dolor" > input.txt
[[ -d out ]] || mkdir out
docker run --rm --volume ./input.txt:/app/input.txt:ro --volume ./out:/app/outdir run-containers
echo "lorem
dolor" > input.txt
[[ -d out ]] || mkdir out
podman run --rm --volume ./input.txt:/app/input.txt:ro --volume ./out:/app/outdir run-containers

I think you can imagine what the result might be 🙂

There is one final thing to discuss: why do we need to prefix files in the current directory with ./? Sometimes, we might not want to provide a specific directory, but just give the container some storage it can write to. Take, for example, the data directory of a database container. We might want to persist the state of the container, even when we remove the container and start it back up later on, but we are not interested in using the data outside the container. In this case, we can give the container a named volume that is managed by the container engine[1]. To use such a container engine, we pass a name as first argument of …​ --volume …​. A name is a string that does not start with / or ./. Hence, if we used …​ --volume input.txt:/app/input.txt …​, the container engine would interpret input.txt as volume name, not as path, and thus create a named volume. This volume is not "linked" to the file input.txt. We can list all volumes with [docker|podman] volume ls.


In this article, we discussed how to manage containers. We also discussed the state a container can have, and how the exit code of a container can be controlled. Furthermore, we learned how we can pass data into and get data out of a container through arguments and volumes.

With this article, the containers 101 series is concluded. But our journey has just started. We will explore more in depth concepts, for example:

  • orchestration of multiple containers,

  • creation of containers through other means than containerfiles

  • best practices for container design

in future articles.

1. The files will ultimately be stored in the host’s file system, in a dedicated directory managed by the container engine