Date Changes


  • Prefixed all images from dockerhub with


  • Fixed some formatting

  • Replace all [source, docker] with [source, dockerfile]


We already spoke about the basics of building images in Containers 101: Containerfiles 🗒. There are, however, more complex scenarios. For example: building an application often requires more tools than running the application. For a Java application, we need a JDK and most probably a build tool like Maven ( or Gradle ( to build the application, but only a JRE to run it. For an angular frontend, we need a build tool such as Node.js ( to build, but only a web server like Apache ( or NGINX ( to serve it.

Another common example: we need the same application in multiple configurations. For example, we need the application once configured as primary, and multiple times configured as secondaries. The base configuration is the same between primary and secondaries, but some configurations differ.

In those situations, we can use multistage containerfiles to organize our images.


If you want to follow along, you need a means to build container images from containerfiles as well as run containers. I recommend to either use Docker ( or Podman ( If you are using docker, you also need to install buildx (

The setup

For this article, we are going to use the code in this repository:

Listing 1. Checkout the demo code
git clone
cd article-2023-04-02-multistage

We start by taking a look at the containerfile:

Listing 2. A multistage containerfile
FROM AS builder (1)
RUN mkdir /project
WORKDIR /project
COPY . .
RUN ./mvnw package

FROM builder AS alpine-jdk-runner (2)
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "target/article-2023-04-02-multistage-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" ]

FROM AS alpine-runner (3)
  --from=builder \ (6)
  --chmod=444 \
  /project/target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "app.jar" ]

FROM AS distroless-runner (4)
  --from=builder \ (7)
  --chmod=444 \
  /project/target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "app.jar" ]

FROM AS ubi-runner (5)
  --from=builder \ (8)
  --chmod=444 \
  /project/target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "app.jar" ]

The first thing we notice is that we have multiple FROM instructions (at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). We also see that each FROM has an AS <name>. In this constellation, each block from one FROM to the next or to the end of the file is called a stage (excluding the next FROM). We observe further that at 6, 7, and 8, files are not copied from the host machine, but another stage. For this to work, it is essential that the stage has a name.

The order in which stages are defined within the containerfile is important. A stage can only reference stages that are defined before, not after.

The next thing we notice is that in the stage named alpine-jdk-runner (2), we use builder as base and do not copy anything. In this case, the FROM builder …​ instruction acts in in its usual way: we use builder as base image.

The semantics of the containerfile

Visual representation of the images created.
Figure 1. Visual representation of the images created.

Now let us walk through what this containerfile actually does.

the builder-stage produces a single executable jar-file in directory /project/target (a simple "hello, world" program). The purpose of all *-runner images is the execution of this jar-file.

The alpine-jdk-runner-image uses the builder-image as a base. This means that it has access to all files that were present or created during the build of the builder-image. In particular, the alpine-jdk-runner-image adds a single layer at the end of the builder-image. Notice, however, that the builder-image is not modified by this action.

All other *-runner-images use different base images (all Java 17, but different providers), copy the jar-file created int the builder-stage and add a corresponding ENTRYPOINT to execute this jar.

Figure 1 illustrates the layers and their interconnection.

The --chmod=444 (copying all files with only the read-flag set) is not essential for this tutorial. It is rather a best practice. One might ask why all users are permitted to read all files, instead of only permitting the current user to read the files. This is due to the fact that I design my containers to be run in OpenShift (, Red Hat’s Kubernetes-powered container platform. By default, OpenShift "runs containers using an arbitrarily assigned user ID" ( Thus, we do not know with which user ID the container is executed.

Building the images 🖼

Okay, now that we understand what the containerfile does, let us start building some images.

The code repository we cloned includes scripts to build and run the container. We can find them in scripts/[docker|podman]. The scripts are meant to be executed from the directory they are located, thus we should cd …​ into the corresponding directory before executing them. Both subdirectories for docker and podman contain the same (in name) scripts. Besides the tabs for docker and podman, we also see a tab for script, where we can find the name of the script to execute, if we want to run the scripts instead.
I will show the output of podman build…​. If you are using docker build …​ instead, your output may slightly vary.
  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --tag hello-world:without-target \
podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --tag hello-world:without-target \

If we run this command, we see the following output:

$ podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --tag hello-world:without-target \
[1/5] STEP 1/5: FROM AS builder
[1/5] STEP 2/5: RUN mkdir /project
--> Using cache 6d1d5133407f9833e5e70e699a102f432dd84f6243990dc594dffd0539dcac79
--> 6d1d5133407
[1/5] STEP 3/5: WORKDIR /project
--> Using cache 55c0d34b8a61073be307bf1e06e0fad20e57cb01b01a4413dc837b60e0c1d81e
--> 55c0d34b8a6
[1/5] STEP 4/5: COPY . .
--> f7180ec3d7b
[1/5] STEP 5/5: RUN ./mvnw package
<a lot of output from maven>
--> a92c84ac4bd
[5/5] STEP 1/3: FROM AS ubi-runner
[5/5] STEP 2/3: COPY   --from=builder   --chmod=444   /project/target/*.jar app.jar
--> 2189a7b6007
[5/5] STEP 3/3: ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "app.jar" ]
[5/5] COMMIT hello-world:without-target
--> 13679de984e
Successfully tagged localhost/hello-world:without-target

We note that fist, the builder-stage is executed. This is also indicated by the [1/5] at the start of the lines, denoting the first of five defined stages. After the final step of the builder-stage is executed, the build continues with first step of the ubi-runner stage (the fifth stage, hence the [5/5]) is executed. That is curious. So stages 2 to 4 were skipped. This is because we built the containerfile without specifying the stage we wanted to be built. Thus, the last stage was built by default. And since the last stage depended on the builder-stage, this stage was built as well.

We can verify that the image works as expected by running

  • docker

  • podman

docker run --rm hello-world:without-target
podman run --rm hello-world:without-target

resulting in

$ podman run --rm hello-world:without-target
Hello, world!

Okay, but what about the other stages? How can we build those? We can pass along the --target=<stage> flag to the [docker|podman] build command to specify which stage we want to build:

Build Alpine JDK
  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target alpine-jdk-runner \
  --tag hello-world:alpine-jdk \
podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target alpine-jdk-runner \
  --tag hello-world:alpine-jdk \
Build Alpine
  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target alpine-runner \
  --tag hello-world:alpine \
podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target alpine-runner \
  --tag hello-world:alpine \
Build Distroless
  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target distroless-runner \
  --tag hello-world:distroless \
podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target distroless-runner \
  --tag hello-world:distroless \
Build UBI
  • docker

  • podman

  • script

docker build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target ubi-runner \
  --tag hello-world:ubi \
podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target ubi-runner \
  --tag hello-world:ubi \

On the Images being used:

In this example, we are using four different base images. The following table gives a basic overview of each image




Official JRE- and JDK-builds from the Eclipse Temurin Project (

Google’s minimal image for Java. No tools, no shell.

Red Hat’s Universal Base Image (UBI) for Java 17. Tools and shell

When we build one of the above images, we see the following (or similar) output:

$ podman build \
  --file Containerfile \
  --target alpine-runner \
  --tag hello-world:alpine \
[1/3] STEP 1/5: FROM AS builder
[1/3] STEP 2/5: RUN mkdir /project
--> Using cache 6d1d5133407f9833e5e70e699a102f432dd84f6243990dc594dffd0539dcac79
--> 6d1d5133407
[1/3] STEP 3/5: WORKDIR /project
--> Using cache 55c0d34b8a61073be307bf1e06e0fad20e57cb01b01a4413dc837b60e0c1d81e
--> 55c0d34b8a6
[1/3] STEP 4/5: COPY . .
--> Using cache 44ef22ed349c7259202b83017e5fcba565968249f1d0317664540afa29ec44c1
--> 44ef22ed349
[1/3] STEP 5/5: RUN ./mvnw package
--> Using cache 21f9b27bf7034e325ff4abd64d35d9684306b3f73784d971968ea263a75ddebd
--> 21f9b27bf70
[3/3] STEP 1/3: FROM AS alpine-runner
[3/3] STEP 2/3: COPY   --from=builder   --chmod=444   /project/target/*.jar app.jar
--> b7572d1393d
[3/3] STEP 3/3: ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "app.jar" ]
[3/3] COMMIT hello-world:alpine
--> 0632fa056f9
Successfully tagged localhost/hello-world:alpine

We see that for the builder-stage, the layers are not rebuild, but the cached layers are reused. This re-usage of existing layers is another benefit of multistage builds. Only when we enter the alpine-runner-stage are new layers produced.

I encourage you, the reader, to build all images.

Inspecting 🧐 the images

When we have built all images, we can take a look at them and draw some conclusions:

$ podman image ls
REPOSITORY                                          TAG                   IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE
localhost/hello-world                               distroless            1efcda722df9  About a minute ago  234 MB
localhost/hello-world                               alpine-jdk            c74add37963c  About a minute ago  388 MB
localhost/hello-world                               alpine                0632fa056f97  4 minutes ago       171 MB
localhost/hello-world                               without-target        d75c47dff5b2  5 minutes ago       364 MB
localhost/hello-world                               ubi                   d75c47dff5b2  5 minutes ago       364 MB

First thing we see is that the without-target- and ubi-image reference the same image id. Since both commands build the same stage, this is not surprising.

Next, we see that the alpine-jdk-image is the largest. This is not surprising since it:

  • carries a maven installation, as well as

  • a JDK instead of a JRE

What was surprising, at least for me, was that the alpine-image is smaller than the distroless image. Finally, we can see that Red Hat’s UBI is, besides the largest jre-based image. This is not surprising since it has also the most tools installed.


In this article, we learned what multistage containerfiles are, and when and how to use them. We also built some images from a multistage containerfile.
